
【加国生活网】加拿大联邦政府的暑期领导力计划( Summer Leadership Program,简称SLP)是为期 16 周的全职带薪实习工作,旨在为加拿大全国各地的年轻人提供在国会议员办公室、部长办公室、总理办公室等机构的重要工作经验。

SLP 2023计划将于2023年5月1日至8月18日举行,这是一个绝佳的暑期去政府部门实习的机会,带薪哟,感兴趣的同学们要抓紧了,申请截止日期是 2023 年 2 月 3 日。欲了解更多信息或申请,请访问:https://slp2023ple.infolib.ca/

The Summer Leadership Program (SLP) is a fulltime, sixteen-week paid internship. SLP gives young people across the country vital job experience serving in the offices of Members of Parliament, Ministers, the Prime Minister's Office and the Liberal Research Bureau.  SLP 2023 will run from May 1st to August 18th. The program is administered and coordinated through the Liberal Research Bureau. The deadline for youth to apply is February 3, 2023. For more information or to apply, visit https://slp2023ple.infolib.ca/