


CPAC教育日活动是大多地区移民社区举办的规模最大的教育类活动之一,旨在为新移民家庭提供有关加拿大教育制度的信息和其他相关服务,帮助家长和学生在加拿大新生活中取得成功。“教育是成就成功未来的关键,这也是CPAC基金会的宗旨。今天的选择决定了明天的结果,”CPAC基金会会长林瑞铭先生(Richard Lim)在活动开幕式上说,“我们感到自豪的是,自2008年活动举办以来,‘教育日’已为成千上万的学生和家长提供了实用而有价值的教育资讯,帮助他们做出明智的决定,在加拿大取得成功。今年是CPAC教育日举办的第十年,感谢热心教育事业的演讲嘉宾、义工朋友、媒体朋友以及各赞助商、捐助人一直以来对活动的大力支持;CPAC基金会也特别感谢TELUS(研科)担任本‘CPAC教育日’活动的主题赞助商。”

CPAC基金会会长林瑞铭(Richard Lim)在开幕式上致欢迎辞

CPAC基金会会长林瑞铭(左)为第十届CPAC教育日活动主题赞助商TELUS代表Sarah Adnan(右)颁发感谢牌匾

第十届教育日邀请了加拿大银幕奖提名演员、作者和制片人刘思慕先生担任活动的主题演讲嘉宾。非常遗憾的是, 由于档期冲突,刘先生临时不能来到活动现场,但他特别发来了录制好的演讲内容,分享了他做为第二代移民,在成长过程中与父母的沟通问题、择业选择及中国传统家教的价值,同时还通过视频连线,回答现场参会朋友们的问题,并承诺将为参加了CPAC教育日活动的粉丝朋友补一次专场见面会。


CPAC年度奖学金颁奖典礼及获奖优秀学生经验分享也是本届教育日活动的亮点之一。八位获奖学子从一百六十多名申请者中脱颖而出,获得嘉奖。获得CPAC高中奖学金者的五名学子Jason Alaee, Jehwan(Dennis) Bae, Ying-Chia (Christina) He, Alvin Li, Hshmat Sahak都是成绩全优、具人文关怀精神、积极参与社区活动并体现出领导才能的高中生,比如Jason Alaee在学校创立科技俱乐部、管理学校数字媒体出版物、担任学生参议员,在学校董事会中分享学生的声音,担任汉密尔顿市青年指导委员会委员,去年他还代表加拿大参加联合国青年大会;Dennis Bae是位天生的企业家,建立了三家创业公司,专注于解决废品处理问题,他还热衷于社区服务和人道主义援助,担任约克地区青年行动小组财务总监,积极参与慈善活动并前往厄瓜多尔,帮助当地青年提高认知,并为他们筹集资金;Chirstina He获得了十多个科学,数学和机器人(SMR)学科奖项,她在约克大学生物启发传感器和执行器(BioSA)实验室获得实习职位,在那里她开发了一个团队,专门为运动员和老年人开发智能小工具,作为学生组织Change Impacting Toronto's Youth的主席,她启动了许多支持当地和全球事业的项目,例如为多伦多的无家可归者捐赠冬季救生包以及为发展中国家的疟疾预防筹款,包括筹集超过32,000美元为亚马逊地区的社区提供洁净水供应;Alvin Li三年前随父母移民来加拿大,短短一年的时间,不仅成绩达到全A,还启动了Project Backpacks for Kids项目,为难民儿童提供文具用品,在两个夏天举办了15场活动,与150多家当地公司进行了接触,最终达到了为难民儿童购买100件文具填充背包的筹款目标,他还为乳腺癌基金会和病童医院筹集资金,打破了筹款记录,并持续不断的参与各类人道主义援助的义工活动,包括去多米尼加为居住在小屋里的当地人建造房屋等 ;Hshmat Sahak不仅各科成绩接近满分,还积极参与了服务社区的各类活动包括为贫困儿童提供营养早餐的早餐俱乐部,Beyond 3:30项目等,他为许多学生的生活带来了改变,激励了很多同龄人并成为了他们的榜样,他也在参与活动中深刻意识到志愿者服务的价值,并觉得这会留下持久的积极影响。

获奖学子与CPAC基金会理事、捐助人、赞助商代表在第十届CPAC‘教育日’上合影(第一排左起:CPAC基金会理事、赞助商HUM律师事务所创办人Lai-King Hum、CPAC基金会理事Karen Webb、CPAC奖学金捐款方CPA Ontario代表Patricia Eddu、CPAC基金会会长林瑞铭(Richard Lim)、第十届CPAC教育日活动主题赞助商TELUS代表Sarah Adnan、CPAC奖学金捐款方TD Insurance Meloche Monnex代表Jorge Cardelus、 CPAC会长肖楚强(Eric Xiao)、CPAC奖学金捐款方Queen Financial Group董事长蒋志成(Charles Jiang)、赞助商CIBC代表Nancy Xiu;第二排左六起:CPAC教学金获奖学生Carmen Bezner Kerr , Hshmat Sahak, Jing Xuan(Jessica) Miao, Jason Alaee, Alvin Li, Ying-Chia (Christina) He, Jehwan(Dennis) Bae, Pardis Balari的妈妈)

CPAC基金会理事Karen Webb(右)为CPAC高中奖学金获奖者Dennis Bae(左)颁奖

获得2018 CPAC-TD Insurance Meloche Monnex奖学金的优秀学子是西安大略大学Ivy商学院的Jessica Miao, 她成立了红十字会-叙利亚救济委员会,并教授150名学生如何帮助当地难民,还为叙利亚难民筹集了2000美元;作为W5企业家协会的主席,Jessica设计了一个由学生运营的创业加速器,以便在校园内更容易获得创业,并为学生企业家提供指导,筹集12,000美元的创业启动资金。CPAC基金会设立的先锋奖学金(CPAC Trailblazer Scholarship)是奖励致力于一个有益于社区、人类或环境的独特项目的杰出的高中生或大学生,今年的获奖者是多伦多大学主修环境科学、侨民和跨国研究,辅修阿拉伯语的Carmen Bezner Kerr。Carmen高中毕业后便积极参与人权宣传,为Samos志愿者组织全职工作了两个月,该组织为希腊Samos岛难民营的居民提供社会心理支持;然后,她花了六个月的时间帮助难民在波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那的萨拉热窝寻求庇护。她最初是一名普通的志愿者和翻译,但很快就承担了更高的责任,帮助她在刚刚起步的非政府组织与联合国难民事务高级专员公署和国际移民组织等机构之间建立了新的协调体系,她在危机事件中显示的成熟、冷静和领导力大大的超过了她同龄人的水平。今年,获得CPAC Education Scholorship助学金的是麦克马斯特大学就读生物化学专业的Pardis Balari,她在家庭经济条件艰苦的情况下,努力追求学业卓越,已经参与到麦克马斯特传染病研究所(IIDR)的传染病和抗生素耐药性领域的基础研究,她并积极参与社区活动,在社区中心和图书馆为儿童和青少年提供辅导,还参与了Frontier College支持Dr. Jay Children’s Grief Centre培养儿童领导力的项目,以自己的亲身经历为那些痛失家庭成员的孩子提供支持。



公校高中老师Zenobia Omarali、法语老师Diana Schwartz、家长代表Frank Wang与毕业学生代表Simon Ng为大家带来CPAC教育日分场讲座“探究加拿大教育体系:选择公校还是私校?英语学校还是法语学校?”


医生Latifa Yeung、HUM律师所创办人Lai-King Hum、CRH Canada财务总监Charanjit Singh与TELUS 多元市场部总监Catalina Lopez为大家带来CPAC教育日分场讲座“探寻你的职业选择:医生、律师、会计还是市场主管”




CPAC Awards

Jason Alaee is a Grade 12 student at Ancaster High School in Ancaster, Ontario. He is known as a natural leader and a mature, cooperative student who is always willing to lend a hand. In addition to his outstanding academic achievements, Jason is extremely active in his Ancaster community. He founded and leads several Science and Technology related clubs in his school, such as the Coding Club and Math Club. He also serves on the Student Council as a Positive School Climate Leader. Jason has stage-managed school productions and founded an economic debate club. He developed and manages his school newspaper's website and curates their digital media publications. Jason leads his school’s DECA chapter and competes in Business and Finance case study competitions.

Outside of school, Jason runs a weekly Junior Youth Empowerment Group to mentor and aid local youth in making positive change. He helps turn their motivation for change into real actions. Jason serves on the City of Hamilton's Youth Steering Committee and develops policies and strategies for City Council which better addresses the needs of youth in Hamilton. He also serves as a Student Senator, sharing the voice of students in a school board setting. Jason represented Canada at the United Nations Youth Assembly last year. He also competes in math and computing contests and maintains a near perfect academic average.

Jehwan (Dennis) Bae is a Grade 12 IB student at Bayview Secondary School. Throughout his years, Dennis has participated in numerous math and science competitions and earned local, provincial, and national distinctions. Now he contributes to the school community by helping students to prepare for these contests in clubs such as the Bayview Chemistry Club.

Dennis is passionate about community service and humanitarian aid, which led him to join York Region Youth Action Group as the Director of Finance. In this organization, he enjoys working with his finance committee to manage budgets and to actively seek sponsorships to contribute to the success of the organization’s events. He has also been involved in charities such as World in Focus, A Mile A Miracle, and travelled to Ecuador as part of the Me to We organization where he worked to raise youth awareness of and raise funds for various causes.

Dennis is a natural entrepreneur with a keen eye for the environment. He has established three startups which all focus on solving the problem of waste disposal. He has also led two nonprofit organizations, Bayview Entrepreneurs and FUSE Society (Ontario Division), which both promote youth environmental businesses. He has demonstrated leadership, responsibility and a passion to assist other students to develop their business knowledge and skills.

Ying-Chia (Christina) He is a grade 12 student in the Science, Mathematics, and Robotics (SMR) Program at John Polanyi Collegiate Institute. She has won more than 10 subject awards in her program and a gold medal at her school’s Science Fair. Her academic performance and strong interest in science have helped her earn an internship position at Professor Ebrahim Ghafar-Zadeh’s Biologically Inspired Sensors and Actuators (BioSA) Laboratory at York University, where she worked on a team that develops Smart Clothing gadgets dedicated to athletes and the elderly.

Christina has been highly involved in extracurricular activities. As the President of the student organization Change Impacting Toronto’s Youth (C.I.T.Y.), she has helped launch many projects supporting both local and global causes, such as donating winter survival kits for the homeless in Toronto and fundraising for malaria prevention in developing countries. Her team’s latest major project is raising over $32,000 for a trip to Ecuador to help work on providing a clean water supply to a community in the Amazon.

Alvin Li is an outstanding Grade 12 student at Pierre Elliott Trudeau High School. He came to Canada as a Grade 9 student from Hong Kong. Within a year, he started Project Backpacks for Kids to help refugee children with stationery supplies. Alvin organized 15 events over two summers, reached out to more than 150 local companies, and eventually reached the fundraising goal of buying 100 stationery filled backpacks for refugee children. This project helped him gain essential soft skills to continue his volunteer journey. Alvin has since volunteered at senior homes and hospitals, where he facilitated conversations between health care professionals and Chinese patients. He later went on to lead school clubs to raise money for the Breast Cancer Foundation and Hospital for Sick Children, breaking fundraising records. He was fundamental in creating his school’s first Health Conference and Sustainable Development Goals Conference for English Language Learners, inspiring other students to pursue humanitarian services. He spent the past summer building houses in the Dominican Republic for the local people who lived in huts.

CPAC - CPA Ontario Award

Hshmat Sahak is a hardworking and motivated student at Marc Garneau Collegiate Institute where he excels throughout high school. He is strongly committed to his academics but more importantly, to his community. He is a founder of the Best Buddies program at his school and President of a number of clubs including his school’s Reach for The Top Trivia team, Chess Club, Debate Club, Mentoring Club, Eco team, and Wind Band. He also helped coordinate the Breakfast Club which provides nutritious breakfast for underprivileged kids. He has been a very dedicated program facilitator with his school’s Beyond 3:30 program, where he helped plan and facilitate numerous activities including sports and physical fitness, healthy eating, homework support, development of life skills and building self-esteem. Outside school, he regularly volunteers at his community center as a camp counselor, tutor, and technology instructor for seniors. He is also a member of the Youth Advisory Group with the Thorncliffe Public Library branch and a recreational volunteer with the Revera Retirement Centre.

Hshmat has had a positive impact on his community while at the same time excelling in academics and maintaining a near perfect average. He has made a difference to the lives of many students, inspired many kids along the journey, and served as a role model to the school. He finds value in volunteerism and great joy in knowing that he is leaving a lasting impact.

CPAC - TD Insurance Meloche Monnex Scholarship

Jing Xuan (Jessica) Miao is a third-year student at Ivey Business School of Western University. As a first-generation Chinese-Canadian, she feels extremely fortunate for her educational opportunities, and is constantly driven to become a leader in her immediate communities to create learning opportunities for others.

Jessica discovered the importance of creating inclusive communities in her senior year of high school and founded Red Cross: Syria Relief Committee. As president, she received a $1,000 SpeakUp grant from the Ministry of Education of Ontario to take Syrian Refugee families on a tour of Toronto to help them adapt to the city. She taught 150 students how to help local refugees and fundraised $2,000 towards the Syrian refugee crisis. As President of the W5 Entrepreneurship Association, Jessica designed a student-run startup accelerator to make entrepreneurship more accessible on campus. She and her organization provided mentorship, co-working space, and $12,000 in startup funding to student entrepreneurs.

As VP Academic of her class at Ivey, Jessica organizes tutoring sessions and ensures that her classmates are on track to reach their academic goals by being the liaison between the student body and professors. She hopes to use her creative problem-solving skills in her future career by becoming an entrepreneur and developing a business that focuses on social impact.

CPAC Trailblazer Scholarship

Carmen Bezner Kerr is a first year University of Toronto student with a double major in Environmental Science and Diaspora and Transnational Studies, with a minor in Arabic.

After spending her high school years involved in local human rights advocacy, Carmen volunteered full-time for two months for Samos Volunteers, an organization providing psychosocial support to the residents of Samos Refugee Camp on the island of Samos, Greece. She then spent six months helping manage a safe house for refugees seeking shelter in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. She began as a general volunteer and translator, but soon took over higher responsibilities, helping to establish new systems of coordination between her fledgling NGO and agencies such as the UN High Commission on Refugees and the International Organization for Migration. Carmen is an incredibly hardworking, determined and skilled leader. In a situation with frequent social, medical and legal emergencies, Carmen always shows calm and leadership, resolving an endless list of unexpected challenges without hesitation or complaint. After seeing the young organization through its turbulent first half year, she chose to leave and pursue her education back in Canada.

Carmen intends to remain active with migrant rights back in Toronto as she works on her degree. In her first semester Carmen returned to her second passion of advocacy in fighting climate change, which she understands is deeply linked to the struggles facing refugees across the globe. Carmen hopes that her studies will help her better understand the links between climate change and migration, in order to work towards change on a global scale. She hopes to be able to return to the humanitarian field, in order to develop lasting solutions that will effectively address the problems that humanity faces.

CPAC-Queen Financial Group Education Scholarship

Pardis Balari is currently a 4th year honours biochemistry student at McMaster University. Her goal is to attend medical school after her undergraduate studies. Through her specialization, she has been able to get involved with fundamental research in the infectious disease and antibiotic resistance field at the Institute for Infectious Diseases Research (IIDR) at McMaster.

Throughout the past four years, Pardis has had many opportunities to be involved in the McMaster and the Greater Hamilton community. She has been an executive member and president of the McMaster Iranian Student Association (MISA), which has enabled her to maintain a strong connection to her Iranian roots while creating a welcoming atmosphere for other Iranian-Canadian students on campus. She has been involved with Frontier College, through which she has had the opportunity to tutor children and youth at various community centres and libraries around Hamilton. She has also been involved in the Dr. Jay Children’s Grief Centre as a Leader-In-Training and then camp counsellor, supporting children who have experienced the death of a close family member.